Purpose and Meaning
Representation is a way of talking or acting for another person or a stereotype that is portrayed through lots of different methods. There are a variety of different ways in which people and stereotypes can be portrayed in a movie, lots of everyday things are displayed or represented by individual characters. portraying can be used to help the viewer get an idea of a character, or to help them understand what kind of person they are.
There are lots of different ways how representation has been used in the Harry Potter movies.
The magical book and film series were wrote and took over the world in recent years. Every book in the seirers has grabbed the minds of all readers and inspired all who stumble across this magical world. although, each character in the series have been seen to be just as influential as the books and films they are in.

one character would be Neville Long-bottom. Nevill long bottom is a kind hearted ,selfless but odd and forgetful young wizard who was been represented as generic odd/goofy school boy with his head in the clouds. His kind heart and selflessness are amplified nearer the end of the sears as the plots get darker his character shines brightest in the darkest moments.His character has grabbed the attention and hearts of the audience being a strong fan favourite of the sears
although another character who is seen by some as a role model would be the intellectual wiz Hermione Granger this has been proven and displayed when she was awarded the title as the greatest film role model she won this by getting the most votes in the completion and its not hard to see why. Her magical expertise and book smarts have thought and made her a strong minded and willed women, who aims to achieve tasks have made readers and viewers to vote for her.
She falls into a minority group of the population in the education system as some one who gets the top grades and is gifted with the ability to gain excellent grades. although this minority might covert to a majority if pupils follow the steps of Hermione Granger obviously not go to hogwarts but to strive to succeed and achieve the best they can in all they do be it wizardry or the 11 plus. some movies need to remember that Characters that kids identify with always seem to remain with them the longest and positive behaviours can be taught by seeing the way there favourite characters acts in certain situations on-screen.”, displaying that the perception of every character can be very effective on younger viewers, which may inspire and cause them to act similarly.

also JK Rowling has gone under rigourse questioning because of her representation and inclusion of LGBT community. JK has pressed that individuals of these sexual orientations are around inside the wizarding community, and viewers should not get worked up about this. In the 2008 she wrote clarifying that Albus Dumbledore, who is a main character of the series was gay. although some customers though this to be unclear throughout the film saga and could have been made more clear, to basically represent those of the LGBT community because there is no clear content involving the LGBT community some members of the audience question how diverse the film series was
even though there seems to be minimal information or evidence of LGBT people in the series, it might just be that JK did not see this as the most essential detail in the Harry Potter series or world. although it does seem as if she focused on cultural diversity, with the introduction of wizards from many races and nationalities throughout the series.

diverse group photo.
Good or evil In many cases through out the saga characters have been represented to be either good or evil, and many examples are clear.

The protagonist harry potter
Since his birth as a character way back in 1997, Harry Potter has been a fan favourite hero, not just in the fictional Wizarding World but an role model to most readers and viewers.I thought that the image shown above from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was perfect for this blog post. This is the moment in which Harry Potter catches the snitch and wins his first quiditch match . This moment when harry starts to believe he can do anything and when Harry believes he's a hero his also become a hero for everyone in girfendor, . He is seen to be innocent, intelligent and almost overwhelmed with the news of him being a Wizard. It becomes clear from an early stage that this young boy will live to be a true hero, for second time (after defeating Lord Voldemort as a baby).

on the oppasite side of the scale to Harry Potter, is his nemesis Lord Voldemort who is the stereotypical villain, by which evil is his middle name and the hatred for harry runs through his veins. The Characteristics and aesthetic of a person can instantly display whether he is good or evil. in the case of Lord Voldemort's it is obvious that he is evil and then some . the snake snake like skin and nose represent him in the most foul and sinister way. The image above shows that Everything about his personality and look suggests evil.
Vladimir propp theory
Vladimir Propp’s Character Theory -his theory is that every story has the same set of character types this theory applies to harry potter.
The villain — fights the hero in some way .This in harry potter would be the main villain of the saga voldimort who's main aim in life is to attack and kill harry potter.
The dispatcher — character who makes the villain’s evil known and sends the hero off.This character in harry potter would be dumblidor throughout the saga he tells harry and prepares harry to defeat voldimorte and in the last films sends harry off to find the horcruouxs
The (magical) helper — helps the hero in the quest. In the harry potter saga the helper would be the house elf dobby who even in the second movie helped harry to escape death a number of times and continues to do so throughout.
The princess or prize — the hero deserves her throughout the story but is unable to marry her because of an unfair evil, usually because of the villain. The heros journey is often ended when he marries the princess, thereby beating the villain and resulting in a “happily ever after” moment.In harry potter the princess would be ginny but this characters bio is a little different as it is not the villain who is stopping harry from having her but it is his best friend and brother to ginny ron who stops the realtionship.
The donor — prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object. In the harry potter saga it would be lupin he teaches harry most of his most useful skills not only spells but friendship.
The hero or victim/seeker hero — reacts to the donor, weds the princess. The hero would be the title character harry.
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