Meaning & Purpose
Ownership when it comes to business includes any one or a group who has a company with the idea of making a profit. Having ownership of a company allows someone to control overall day to day runnings of the compnay , they control all decisions that are made. The purpose of ownership for Warner Bros is it allows Warner Bros to run both efficiently and financially rich . time warner who is the parent company of Warner Bros. Warner Bros have a mission statement that tells us their reason for becoming a business, it tell us that the primary initiatives of the business are to keep customers interested and engaged with the businesses, engaging them with new technology and developing high quality entertainment.

The movie and entertainment business is made up of 6 major companies, such as Warner Bros, Paramount and Universal Studios. some of these include sub-companies for different types of media products
Warner Bros is a Public Limited Company - being a public limited company is legally becoming a corporate entity which makes the owners separate from the company this gives them limited liability . There will be lots of investors for Warner Bros that help source capital for the company.
Warner Bros was started by four brothers on April 4th 1923, when they created the first visual audio movie

Multinational company
Warner bros is a multi national company it distributes movies and shows all over the worlds in numerous countries and has HQ's in 30 different countries and releases films in nearly 120 different territories.
Warner Bros is now a subsidiary business of Time Inc, this occurd when Time Inc merged with Warner Communication to create Time Warner, which is now the owner of Warner Bros Entertainment. there share price is now $82.94, these shares are able to be bought by the public.
The companies both have HQ in america Warner Bros is based in south California, where they have the sets and all media production is made,Time Warner is found in NYC, this tell us they are a very successful company because they are based in NYC, they are in the top three for the biggest television and entertainment company when looking at revenue alone.

Time Warner Centre, Columbus Circle, New York

warner brothers,Californina
Warner Bros is one of the top companies of production of films. The PLC has made a wide variety of media products, The Warner Bros business in total have made a huge amount of entertainment since 1923, including 61,000 hours worth of media products this includes 6,500 feature films and 3,000 TV programs comprised of 100,000 episodes.

conglomerates inside each of the big six studios

The big Six studios account for nearly 90 % of the market share in the movie production business this means the other 10% of the market share is earned from a variety independent studios the big six are all indirect competition with each other this means that the prices are going to be competitively low and also the products quality are going to high because there competitors are all external so have choice so each studio wants the customer to buy there film
I did some of my research from these sites

conglomerates inside each of the big six studios

The big Six studios account for nearly 90 % of the market share in the movie production business this means the other 10% of the market share is earned from a variety independent studios the big six are all indirect competition with each other this means that the prices are going to be competitively low and also the products quality are going to high because there competitors are all external so have choice so each studio wants the customer to buy there film
I did some of my research from these sites
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